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To celebrate National Simultaneous Storytime 2023, the following are free printable resources on Sloths - the main character of this year's chosen story "The Speedy Sloth".
While reflecting it forces us to analyse different aspects of experiences we offer to make judgements in what should be repeated, extended or changed. This enables us to develop and extend on children’s learning and build upon their knowledge and…
The 20th of May is World Bee Day. It is to draw attention to the essential role bees and other pollinators play in keeping people and the planet healthy. The following provides free Printables that will enable you to celebrate…
Reflective practice is learning from everyday situations and issues and concerns that arise which form part of our daily routine while working in an early childhood setting.
Nursery rhymes provide a lot of learning opportunities to children. Nursery rhymes also play an important role in children's language skills by hearing sounds. It helps them to develop an ear for language Rhythms and rhymes also help to understand…
Sunday 14th May is Mother's Day. It is a celebration showing their appreciation for the achievements and efforts of mothers and mother figures. It is annually observed in Australia on the second Sunday of May. The following provides free Printables,…
A reflection allows us to analyze our experiences, make changes based on our mistakes, keep doing what is successful, and build upon our knowledge.
Based on the Montessori approach, Practical Life activities are everyday life experiences that a child may observe adults complete in their daily routine. These activities give the child a sense of belonging as they gain knowledge to accomplish life skills…
Quality Area 2 – Children's Health and Safety requires all stakeholders to have responsibility for supporting the health, protection, safety and wellbeing of all children. In exercising their responsibilities, they must take reasonable care to protect children from foreseeable risk…
Sensory Play is an early childhood educational approach that allows children to use all their senses when exploring their learning environment. The following article provides the benefits of sensory play and how you can incorporate it into the learning environment.
In early childhood, positive relationships with teachers are extremely important for intellectual, social and emotional development. Indeed research shows that secure attachments formed in early years do not just prepare the foundations for positive relationships in adulthood but predict positive…
Children like adults are usually predisposed to a particular way of processing information. Those who best do this by experiencing it or acting it out are known as tactile learners. A learning style that helps kids physically touch or try…
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