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Teaching Children

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Anzac Day is an annual holiday observed on April 25 in Australia and New Zealand to honour war veterans. The day marks the anniversary of the first significant military action by Australian and New Zealand soldiers in World War I…
We, human beings always want our traditions, fact, stories, and sacrifices that lie behind the national day to pass on to our next generation. It is also important as without knowing the root of the culture and tradition, children will…
Emotional Intelligence is now widely accepted as a fundamental life skill which can be nurtured even in young children. Identifying, labelling and talking about emotions not only helps them regulate their own emotions but also tune in to how people…
Just imagine a line down the centre of the body. Crossing the midline is a child's ability to reach across the middle of the body with arms and legs crossing over the opposite side. The following article provides information on…
Letterland is a system for teaching children basic literacy skills on how to read, how to write and how to spell using a story-based approach. The following article provides information on What Is Letterland, How It Works, Examples, Free Resources…
In early childhood settings, one of the most popular experiences that a child enjoys is painting. As soon as the painting area is set up, there always seems to be a “charge” for the smocks and arguing about who is…
Virtual excursions enable Educators to use digital technology to immerse children in a range of learning opportunities from the comfort of the service. Children can explore and visit many destinations throughout Australia, rain hail or shine to learn about what…
Easter is on the 9th of April. It is primarily a family celebration with Easter egg hunts, chocolate Easter bunnies and colourful eggs. Christians celebrate the victory of life over death with the resurrection of Jesus and thus the central…
Easter is just around the corner. What can be easier to make them learn about Easter and Easter eggs than to play with them? Playing and learning are always associated with each other. Learning through playing makes children curious about…
Children's Health Queensland has developed a range of storybooks for children on natural disasters and viruses including storms, floods, fires etc. The stories are designed to help children cope during emotionally distressing events.
Easter is coming closer to us. So, to continue the tradition of dyeing Easter eggs, include children in this experience which will give them hands-on experience and also will enjoy the process. The following article provides a guide on creatively…
Harmony Week is celebrated from the 20th to the 26th of March 2023. Harmony Day will be celebrated on the 21st of March 2023. The following provides free Printables and Activities that will enable you to celebrate Harmony Week at…
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