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Quality Area 5 - Relationships With Children provides a sense of connection to support children and development of their identity and social and emotional competence. Exploring and learning to socialise appropriately with others, and to manage feelings, behaviours and responsibilities…
Empathy can be understood as the experience of understanding another person's condition from their perspective. The trait is considered one of the most important life skills that children can learn since it not only nurtures interpersonal relationships, thereby making for…
Quality Area 4 - Staffing Arrangements requires services to have sufficient educators and staff members available at all times when children are present. Educators are likely to be responsive, purposeful and reflective when staffing arrangements at the service enable them…
Learning about similarities and differences in people can be thought of as two sides of the same coin – that of appreciating what makes people different while respecting their fundamental humanity. The following article provides strategies on how to teach…
Quality Area 3 – Physical environment is to ensure it is safe and designed to provide a range of experiences to engage children in a variety of experiences to protect children's development and learning.
Visual Motor Integration covers efficient and effective coordination between the eyes and the hands so that children are able to copy, draw or write what they see. Since children develop their handwriting based on what they see in a model…
A co-listening podcast for preschoolers is called Little Yarns. Little Yarns is all about the various languages, tales, and countries of Indigenous Australia and is a great listening resource in early learning services.
A yarning circle is the practice of speaking and listening from the heart, for sitting together to talk and listen and share ideas and stories.
As an Educator, it's important to assess and document children's learning. This refers to gathering and analysing information about what children know, can do and understand. It is part of a cycle that includes planning, documenting and evaluating children’s learning.
Edible Sensory Experiences is an interactive experience with food that enables children to engage, express themselves artistically, or play with food without any thought of eating it. These sensory experiences are great for young children. The following article provides edible…
The early childcare setting can be hugely valuable in instilling healthy eating and lifestyle habits in children. What better way to do that than by engaging them in fun cooking activities. The following article provides a list of cooking skills…
Children, even young ones, regularly experience stress as they negotiate unfamiliar settings and people besides the turbulence of their own inner lives. The following article provides information on Using Calming Strategies for children, Teaching Self Regulation and more.
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